
Instal the last version for ipod Cargo Train City Station - Cars & Oil Delivery Sim
Instal the last version for ipod Cargo Train City Station - Cars & Oil Delivery Sim

instal the last version for ipod Cargo Train City Station - Cars & Oil Delivery Sim

You can always go to the local car-stereo joint for a new, iPod-ready car stereo, or (gasp) the car dealer and have your relatively new car retrofitted.

instal the last version for ipod Cargo Train City Station - Cars & Oil Delivery Sim

Man does not live solely on a steady diet of NPR, hip-hop and treacly pop music chosen by programmers at commercial radio stations. Unfortunately, my family car is old enough that the optional iPod dock wasn't an option. The interference, constant dropouts and yet more ads for hair-restoration products and male enhancement are enough to make you want to stick your fingers in your ears and hum.

instal the last version for ipod Cargo Train City Station - Cars & Oil Delivery Sim

As I navigate two states, I pass plenty of hissing, buzzing power lines and a couple of Faraday-cage tunnels while listening to the same commercials over and over again. And that's a bummer if your commute is like mine.

Instal the last version for ipod Cargo Train City Station - Cars & Oil Delivery Sim